Cyprinus Carpio

Cyprinus Carpio is a type of Asian Carp,other name:Cyprinus Carp


  • Body shape: Cyprinus Carpio is long and flattened, oval in shape, slightly raised on the back, and slightly flat on the abdomen. The body length of adult Cyprinus Carpio is generally between 30-60 cm, and the maximum can reach more than 1 meter.
  • Scales: Cyprinus Carpio has relatively large scales, which are neatly arranged and shiny. The scales are often gray or silvery white in color.
  • Color: The body color of Cyprinus Carpio varies with individuals and the environment. The common body colors are golden yellow, silvery white and gray. Usually, the body is darker on the back and lighter on the belly.
  • Mouth: Cyprinus Carpio has a protruding mouth and teeth in the upper and lower jaws, which are suitable for eating plants and plankton.
  • Fins: Cyprinus Carpio has a pair of dorsal fins, a pair of pelvic fins, a pair of pectoral fins and a pair of anal fins. Larger dorsal and anal fins, smaller pectoral fins.
  • Life habits: Cyprinus Carpio is an omnivorous fish that can eat both plankton and benthic organisms, as well as aquatic plants. They live in fresh water and often inhabit rivers, lakes, reservoirs and other waters.
  • Breeding: Cyprinus Carpio usually breeds in spring and chooses waters with higher water temperature for spawning. They are oviparous fish, and after laying eggs, it takes a certain amount of time for the fry to become adult fish after hatching.


  • Range of activities: Carp mainly live in freshwater environments, such as rivers, lakes, ponds, etc. They usually like to be active in relatively calm waters, such as river bends, estuaries or areas with overgrown water and grass.
  • Dietary habits: Carp are omnivorous fish, their diet includes plant and animal food. Plant foods include leaves, stems and pollen of aquatic plants, as well as algae and plankton. Animal foods include insects, aquatic insect larvae, worms, and small crustaceans.
  • Breeding Behavior: The breeding season of carp is usually in spring and summer. Male carp will chase female fish for spawning activities. They will look for aquatic grass or stone bottoms suitable for laying eggs in shallow water, and stick their eggs to objects. The male carp will guard the eggs and juveniles after they hatch until they are able to live independently.
  • Social Behavior: Carp are social fish and they tend to live in groups. In natural waters, carp are often found in groups, which help them protect each other, find food and reproduce.
  • Temperature adaptability: Carp has strong adaptability to temperature and can live in a wide range of water temperature conditions. However, they prefer warmer water bodies and are usually most active when the water temperature is 20-25 degrees Celsius


  • Feeding habits: Carp are omnivorous and have a diverse diet. They feed on a variety of food sources including aquatic plants, insects, crustaceans, small fish, and detritus. They are bottom feeders and often forage on the bottom of water bodies, using their barbels to locate food.
  • Habitat preference: Carp prefer slow-moving such as lakes, ponds, and slow-flowing rivers. They are commonly found in areas, as it provides cover and a food source for them.
  • Spawning behavior: Carp typically spawn during the spring or early summer when water temperatures rise. They prefer shallow, weedy areas or submerged vegetation for spawning. Males chase females, and spawning occurs when the female releases her eggs and the male fertilizes them externally.
  • Social behavior: Carp are known to exhibit schooling behavior, especially when they are young. They often swim and feed in groups, providing safety in numbers. However, as they older, they may become more solitary and territorial.
  • Environmental adaptability: Carp have a remarkable ability to adapt to different environmental conditions. They can tolerate a wide range of water temperatures, oxygen levels, and quality variations.
  • Migration: Carp are known to undertake short-distance migrations within their habitat. They may move to find better feeding grounds, suitable spawning areas, or to escape unfavorable conditions.
  • Longevity: Carp have the potential to live for several decades, with some individuals reaching ages over 40 years in ideal conditions.

Economic Value

  • Aquaculture: Carp is one of the most commonly farmed fish species worldwide. It is commercially cultured in many countries for its meat, which is popular in many cuisines. Carp farming is an important source of income and employment for many farmers and aquaculture businesses.
  • Food industry: Carp is consumed as a food fish in many regions, particularly in Europe and Asia. It is valued for its firm, white flesh, and is used in various culinary preparations, including smoked, fried, grilled, or used in soups and stews.
  • Export and trade: Carp farming contributes to international trade, with countries exporting live or processed carp to meet the demand in different markets. Carp products, such as fillets, smoked carp, and canned carp, are traded globally.
  • Sport fishing: Carp is a popular sport fish, particularly in Europe and North America.lers target carp for their size, strength, and challenging fight. Carp fishing tournaments and events attract enthusiasts and contribute to the local economy through tourism and recreational activities.
  • Biological control: Carp are used in some regions for biological control purposes. They are introduced into water bodies to control aquatic weed growth or to manage certain invasive species.
  • Fertilizer and nutrient recycling: Carp farming produces large amounts of fish waste, which can be utilized as a valuable organic fertilizer. The waste is rich in nutrients and can be used in agriculture to improve soil fertility and plant growth.

Nutritional Value

Carp is a nutritious fish that provides several essential nutrients. Here is the nutritional value of carp per 100 grams of cooked, dry heat:

  • Calories: 127
  • Protein: 20.6 grams
  • Fat: 4.7 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 0 grams
  • Fiber: 0 grams
  • Cholesterol: 63 milligrams
  • Sodium: 50 milligrams
  • Potassium: 379 milligrams
  • Vitamin B12: 1.3 micrograms
  • Vitamin D: 0.9 micrograms
  • Calcium: 21 milligrams
  • Iron: 0.6 milligrams
  • Magnesium: 32 milligrams

Cyprinus Carpio is a good source of high-quality, is important for muscle growth and repair. It also contains healthy fats, including omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for heart health, brain function, and reducing inflammation in the body.

Cyprinus Carpio is low in carbohydrates and does not contain any dietary fiber. It is also relatively low in calories compared to some other meat sources. However, the exact nutritional composition of Cyprinus Carpio can vary depending on factors such the specific species, farming conditions, and preparation methods.

Including Cyprinus Carpio in a balanced diet can contribute to meeting daily protein and nutrient requirements. However, it is important to note that the nutritional value of carp can be influenced by cooking methods, added ingredients, and portion sizes.

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