Asian Carp(Copi)

Asian carp is a freshwater fish from Asia, mainly distributed in China, Russia, Japan and South Korea. They belong to the carp family. Asian carps have strong reproductive ability and wide adaptability in water bodies. damage to river ecosystems. In addition, Asian carp has also caused certain economic losses to fisheries and water transportation.

In the 1960s, the United States introduced Asian carp as a biological control agent for controlling weeds in water bodies. The purpose of the initial introduction was that the Asian carp could help remove aquatic plants in the water body in order to keep the waterways open, but it was soon discovered that the Asian carp was multiplying rapidly in American waters, posing a serious threat to local fish resources and ecosystems. Therefore it is listed as an invasive species.

In June 2022, EPA announced funding to rename Asian Carp to Copi

Asian carp contains those fish

Cyprinus CarpioGrass CarpBreams FishBlack CarpCrucian CarpSilver CarpBighead CarpMud Carp

Why do Chinese people like Asian carp so much

  • Food culture: Asian carp has a long history in Chinese food culture. Carp meat is delicious and delicate, and it is suitable for a variety of cooking methods, such as steaming, braised in soy sauce, stewing and so on. On the Chinese table, Asian carp often appears as an important dish.
  • Cultural symbol: In Chinese culture, carp is endowed with symbolic meanings of auspiciousness, wealth and longevity. The carp is seen as a symbol of happiness, prosperity, and reunion, and is often used at weddings, New Years, and other celebrations. Therefore, people have an emotional identification and affection for Asian carp.
  • Farming economy: Asian carp China is an important economic fish. Because Asian carp has strong fecundity and adaptability, does not require high water quality and is easy to breed, it is widely cultured in China. Carp farming not only provides employment opportunities, but also brings considerable economic benefits to farmers.

It should be noted that although Chinese people like Asian carp, they should also pay attention to reasonable breeding and consumption to avoid irreversible damage to the ecological environment and local fish resources. At the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen the management of non-native species and control the damage caused by alien invasive species to the ecosystem.

How to contain Asian carp

  • fishing
  • electric shock
  • chemical control
  • build a barrier
  • sport fishing (China)
  • Cooking (China)

Will the Asian carp overflow in China

The answer is: no, for the following reasons

  • 140 million people love sportfishing
  • Ordinary people are very fond of catching Asian carp (net fish, electric fish, chemical treatment), but this fishing method is illegal in China. If the government allowed this behavior, the Asian carp would become an endangered fish in China.
  • Very passionate about cooking Asian carp
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