Monthly Archives: August 2023

  • Crucian Carp

    Crucian Carp is a type of Asian Carp Feature Habitat Food Economic Value Furthermore, crucian carp’s ability to feed on aquatic plants and control their can have economic benefits for maintaining water bodies. Excessive growth can hinder water flow, reduce oxygen levels, and impact water quality, leading to increased costs for water management and maintenance. Overall, the economic value of crucian carp is significant, considering its contributions to the fishing industry, aquaculture, and potential as a food source. Nutritional Value Crucian carp is an excellent source of high-quality protein, which is essential for muscle growth and repair. It is also low in fat, making it a healthy choice for watching their calorie intake. The fish is a good source of potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure and maintain proper heart function. It also contains small amounts of calcium iron, which are important for bone health and oxygen transport the body. Crucian carp is not a significant source of vitamins A and C, but it does provide small amounts of these nutrients. Vitamin A is essential for eye health and immune…

  • Mud Carp

    Mud Carp is a type of Asian Carp,other name:Cirrhinus molitorella、Dace Feature Note that the above characteristics are general descriptions of dace and may vary by region and individual. Habitat Food Dace is a common freshwater fish, also known as white crucian carp. Dace mainly eat plant food, including algae, aquatic plants, plankton and benthic organisms. They also eat insects, worms and small invertebrates. The feeding habits of dace can vary according to their living environment and seasons. In terms of human consumption, dace is a common food in many Asian countries. Their meat is delicious and suitable for many dishes such as boiled, stewed, grilled or fried. Dace is also one of the commonly used fish for making fresh fish fillets or fish balls. Economic Value It should be noted that the economic value of dace will be affected by various factors such as market demand, breeding costs, laws and regulations, etc. At the same time, in order to protect dace resources and maintain ecological balance, reasonable breeding management and protection measures are also very important. Nutritional Value Note that…

  • Breams Fish

    Breams Fish is a type of Asian carp Feature Habitat important to note that there are different species of bream, such as common bream (Abramis brama), bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus), and black bream (Spondyliosoma cantharus), among others. The specific habits and characteristics can vary among species. Food Bream is a common term used to refer to various species of freshwater and saltwater fish in the family Sparidae. The specific diet of bream can vary depending on the species and their habitat. Generally, bream are omnivorous and feed on a variety of food sources. They often consume small fish, crustaceans, mollusks, worms, insects, and aquatic plants. Bream have a preference for bottom-dwelling organisms and are known to root around in the sediment in search of food. In terms of human consumption, bream is a popular fish in many cuisines around the world. It can be prepared in various ways, including baking, frying, or steaming. Economic Value It is important to note that the economic value of bream can vary significantly between different species and geographical regions. Factors such as sustainability, fishing regulations,…

  • Black Carp

    Black Carp is a type of Asian carp,Other Name:Mylopharyngodon Piceus Feature Overall, Black Carp out for its large size, dark coloration, specialized feeding behavior, limited reproductive ability in non-native areas, and its role in the aquaculture industry for biological control. Habitat It’s important to note that the habits of Black Carp can vary depending on the specific environment they are in and may be influenced by factors such as food availability, water quality, and other ecological factors. Food Overall, the Black Carp is known for its dark coloration, herbiv diet, and ability to control invasive mollusk populations. Economic Value Economic Value Nutritional Value As with the previous fish species, it’s important to consider that these values may vary depending on the specific conditions in which the fish is cultivated and the age of the fish. Cooking methods can also affect the nutritional composition of the fish.

  • Bighead Carp

    Bighead Carp is a type of Asian carp Feature Overall, the bighead carp is known for its large, distinctive appearance, and unique filter-feeding adaptations. Habitat It’s important to note that the habits of bighead carp can vary depending on the specific environment they are in and their may be influenced by factors such as food availability, water quality, and other ecological factors. Food Hypophthalmichthys nobilis, also known as the bighead carp, is a species of freshwater fish native to Eastern Asia. In terms of food, bighead carp are primarily herbivorous and feed on various types of aquatic vegetation. They have a preference for plankton, algae, and other aquatic plants. In some cases, they may consume small invertebrates and fish eggs. In terms of human consumption, bighead carp is considered a delicacy in some Asian cuisines. It is often used in soups, stews, and stir-fry dishes. Economic Value The economic value of Hypophthalmichthys nobilis, commonly known as the bighead carp, can vary depending on various factors such as market demand, size, location, and method of production. Bighead carp is a popular…

  • Silver Carp

    Silver Carp is a type of Asian carp,Other names of silver carp: Hypophthalmichthys Molitrix Feature Habitat Food he primary food source of Hypophthalmichthys, or silver carp, is plankton. They are highly specialized feeders, using their specialized gill rakers to strain and consume microscopic organisms from the water column. This feeding behavior is known as suspension feeding. Silver carp primarily feed on zooplankton, which includes small crustaceans, insect larvae, and tiny aquatic organisms. They also consume phytoplankton, which consists of microscopic algae and plant matter. Their feeding apparatus, including the elongated lower jaw and specialized gill rakers, allows them to efficiently filter and consume large quantities of planktonic organisms. They actively swim with their mouths open, filtering water through their gill rakers, which trap the plankton while allowing water to pass through. While plankton is their primary food source, silver carp have been observed consuming other types of organic matter as well. This includes detritus, algae, and various aquatic plants. However, their diet is predominantly composed of zooplankton and phytoplankton. It is important to note that silver carp are herbivorous at…

  • Grass carp

    The grass carp (Ctenopharyngodonella) is a freshwater fish species that is native to eastern Asia. It is a herbivorous fish and is known for its ability to consume large amounts of aquatic vegetation, hence its name “grass” carp.

  • Cyprinus Carpio

    Cyprinus carpio is a freshwater species that is native to Europe and Asia. It is one of the most widely cultivated and consumed fish species worldwide

  • Asian Carp(Copi)

    Asian carp is a freshwater fish from Asia, mainly distributed in China, Russia, Japan and South Korea. They belong to the carp family. Asian carps have strong reproductive ability and wide adaptability in water bodies. damage to river ecosystems. In addition, Asian carp has also caused certain economic losses to fisheries and water transportation. In the 1960s, the United States introduced Asian carp as a biological control agent for controlling weeds in water bodies. The purpose of the initial introduction was that the Asian carp could help remove aquatic plants in the water body in order to keep the waterways open, but it was soon discovered that the Asian carp was multiplying rapidly in American waters, posing a serious threat to local fish resources and ecosystems. Therefore it is listed as an invasive species. In June 2022, EPA announced funding to rename Asian Carp to Copi Asian carp contains those fish Cyprinus Carpio、Grass Carp、Breams Fish、Black Carp、Crucian Carp、Silver Carp、Bighead Carp、Mud Carp Why do Chinese people like Asian carp so much It should be noted that although Chinese people like Asian carp,…
